Society discriminates the people of dark-skinned, and yesterday I found a girl with complexion black she was whining in sorrow sad about what happened yesterday
In a polite way I said to her oh!dear black girl don't be sad the whites hate the color black but they eat the cupcakes with black
oh!dear black girl, the world is full of miseries that's why everything here is temporary oh!dear black girl, it doesn't matter whether you're dark-skinned or fair-skinned 'cause beauty lies in people's eyes
Oh!dear black girl don't cry in pain your tears will go away as soon as it rains oh!dear black girl don't lose your hope as nothing can hurt you until you lose hope
Oh!dear black girl be courageous and fight 'cause discrimination will continue until you fight with all your might oh!dear black girl don't suicide as life is a ride where everyone has to sit side by side
Oh!dear black girl stand with a vow that I will never be defeated whatever may come oh! dear black girl don't feel you are different 'cause different are those who say complexion black indifferent
Black girl with all the qualities of a fighter fight on the field of discrimination as discrimination will continue until she fights for her rights
Battling and battling with all the evils vanishing all the society devils at last she won the war and shouted for the removal of racial discrimination.
This prose is about a dark skinned girl who has been bullied cause of her complexion from all around the world. Wherever she went she had to listen one or the other taunt about her complexion. She’s is totally depressed….
But another girl tries to encourage her by saying that it’s what heart matters and not the complexion. And that’s what we all have to do. It’s clear that nowadays the racial discrimination is not increasing rapidly. But still there are thousands of people who are going through this racial discrimination. All we need to do is to become hope for those people and help them get out of this misery.
And together we have to eradicate racial discrimination from this earth….