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Broken slipper

Broken slipper

A fiction poetry. She dared to walk even when people laughed because she cared to go home.

Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash
A day before
A girl full of allure
Walking down the streets
After a tasty treat

Enjoying the walk
Alone was the talk
Her legs stumbled
Her slippers crumbled

There she saw her one slipper broke
It was hard to walk
There was no talk
Feared that people would joke

Stood under a tree
People did see
She thought and thought
Finally she was sought

Dared to walk
Let me tell that it was a ramp walk
With one slipper in hand
Bare footed, nowhere to stand.

People did stare
But she didn't care
That strong was her dare
That particular moment she felt rare.

~Arushi Sahu
