A poem that describes problems faced by women who are forced to do the things that they aren't willing to do.

I'm spoiled
I know that
I am impolite
I am quite proud of that
You know, I am stubborn
Then tell me what you are
I am reckless
I know that
I am self-centered, is it
Ain't your fault
Just let me know if you see
Something else displeasing in me.
I will know that too.
I am living in the lap of luxury
No need to make me realize that
I should utter only truth
But I lie that
I wear a pretty robe of hobby
You don't let me do that too
You just like to push me around
So just let me know if you want something from me
To not execute.
You wish me to fulfill your needs
You wish me to do work which I don't wish to
You wish me to keep you happy
In all past, future, and present
You want me to follow
Your commands
Be it forcefully or willingly
Do you even know what state I'm in
Still, you don't care to ask
You gave me a hurtful past
And you want me to give a cushy future
You took my pride back then
But still, you want me to forget
When I protest your words
You think I am discourteous
Just lemme know if you
Want to see
More changes in me.
I'm too sick of listening
to your wants,
I wanna run away from
your hell where I am wrong.
I forgot the spelling of the
word 'Beautiful'.
So don't ask me to make
anything more beautiful.
I am not your puppet
I will make you realize
By hook or by crook
Enough of your domination.
I am a lady with stolen respect.
I won't tolerate.
Just lemme know
if you want more
Humiliation and Disrespect
I'll shower that upon you
with SLAPS that'll make you regret.