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On a Quest-Finding Happiness

On a Quest-Finding Happiness

We forget us, We forget life, We forget to rest and take a look behind, We forget to smile, We forget to live while running the race of social comparison of our lives.

Photo by Guilherme Stecanella on Unsplash

By the ocean
From the waves
Find happiness
the water says

Sapphire moonlight
Ravishing stars
We're locked behind
the social comparison bars.

Laughing and crying
We hide it all
In our mourns
our ego burns it all.

On a quest we're on
To know oneself
in any way.

On a quest we're on
To find happiness
some day.

Regrets and Dissatisfaction
We have it all.
But happiness in us
is instilled, and awaits for a call.

A busy schedule
A distorted fate
Everything we blame
Lost in our self debate.

On the quest of life
Our sight just sees the outside
We forget ourselves
We forget to be happy inside.

Are we never over
this social comparison?
No one is to blame
Look inside,
We are the reason for our self destruction.

There are many reasons to
smile, to be euphoric and content.
Feel blessed and fortunate
Don't whine on life that's already spent.

~Arushi Sahu
