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The scribble of relationships.

The scribble of relationships.

Erasing it all...forming it again.

Photo by Angello Pro on Unsplash

The blue wall that
hangs in front of me
With a mirror some inches far,
A bed and a
overburdened shelf stuck to it
A charging board
out of which two lives
spring out.
One of me and one
of my tech stuff.
Was once new.

It was once new
Painted of my heart colour
Pristine, it was
Gave out the fancy paint odour.
Which I loved
And still is beloved
Tinted dark blue
the wall is.
Admired it was
from my eyes
until it was no more
my eyes' beloved-looking gold.

Months passed by
A year too
Now it's tinted
with scratches all over
of my recklessness
And my careful denies.
It was new
I swear
Until my leg was on it
Devising some distorted spheres.

There it was
The blue wall
Adored by my eyes
It's still a lot to me
But I must have
taken some care.
But guilty I am
To not care
To not pay heed
When it was crying
out loud,

Her tears invincible
Sadly, now I cry, sayin'
I was busy in
scribbling and
forming spheres.
There's a lot
to put to care
Things might slip out
because of our reckless

Not everything can be
painted back
Like that hanging wall
Some just ask for one call
A single defy, in no time
forms an indestructible wall
Fairly put things
to care
Before your life charges you fare.
As of now
I'll again paint this wall.
And never put it off my care.

~Arushi Sahu

Here, in this poem, the message that I wish to convey is 'fragility of relationships'. The scribbles on the wall are those 'not so significant fights' while the wall is love and that relationship that we form over years or whatever time period it is. But just a simple fight or, you say, some fights over time devise those spheres of communication gap. Those fights undermine the relationship, which eventually leads to breakouts. That beloved wall of mine can be painted back, but those relationships, can they come back?

When two people fight, they don't realize what they're saying and how much hurtful it can be. But after fights, something that prevents those scribbles from being erased is EGO. Therefore, even though there are differences, there are fights. It is our responsibility to let our ego slide and let the love and acceptance make space. It is our responsibility to not let that wall of antipathy and ego form and erase those scribbles before they rupture our relationships.

As relationships are not walls that can be painted back whenever you want. So put things to care before your life charges you fare. Life is too short to fight, so choose to love dear.
