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Naked Truth

Sometimes we need mist in the mirror and clearance in the water!

Photo by Luca Bravo on Unsplash

I wistfully think to think naked

To make my thoughts not barren but naked

Like nature doesn't lie of all it has

Poison or medicine

It is beautiful and adventurous

But it also says

'I am sometimes dangerous'

I want to let my wildflowers grow

On my lovely frame

Cause for those who have beauty and the eyes

They'll say it's an elegant frame.

I want mist in the mirror

And clearance in water

Where goldfish doesn't hide

And leaves are dyed

Everything should be open

In-home of my mind

Where my heart is kind

Where only is my frame and my naked mind

Where my soul is set free

From nothing that binds.

Where papers have speeches

Speaking in a British accent

Oh, isn't that divine!

Where my roofs have green softies

Which can never be licked

Agony, despair, jealousy, pain and tragedy

None of it is flicked.

Where barks of trees smell like rotten eggs

Are ever so pleasant!

Where maturity and insanity are naked and decent.

This is my naked frame of my beautifully crafted not barren but naked thoughts

Where I invite love, happiness, struggles and challenges

Which makes me as strong as a flood peasant

This frame of mine

These thoughts are like turbine

I wish to be nature in every sense

Which doesn't hide its poison nor its medicine

These are the insights of my naked glance.

~Arushi Sahu

The girl with dreams of being nature.
